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Buffering and freezing or playback errors

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Buffering and freezing or playback errors Empty Buffering and freezing or playback errors

Post by Admin Mon 16 Nov - 17:51:32

Buffering and freezing or playback errors
or green screen is usually one of these
7 issues:

( 1 and 2 may not be for your app your using )

1:- Make sure HW ( Hardware Decoder ) is red
( if applicable android apps )

2:- Make sure your using Default player
( if applicable android apps )

3:- Clear your cache in box as well as app and restart box
or app

4:- If your using a VPN , Try turning it off or it is possible the
vpn server could be throttling the speed of your connection
try another server.

5:- Make sure your internet Provider is not Blocking/throttling
your service and also speed is enough to stream minimum 15 mg
And you should always try to have a wired connection as apposed
to wireless as you will lose packets and that will give signal
loss .

6:- Go to app and clean cache and data then resign back in and try

7:- Lastly a glitch - enter app , delete data , then
uninstall app , reinstall app , login , try again


Posts : 153
Join date : 2020-08-20
Age : 57
Location : Ontario , Canada

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