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Roku Streaming Channels not Launching

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Roku Streaming Channels not Launching Empty Roku Streaming Channels not Launching

Post by Admin Mon 16 Nov - 17:54:35

Streaming Channels not Launching:::

For each channel experiencing this issue, try the following steps in order, to reinstall the channel
Navigate to the channel tile on the Roku home screen, press the * key and choose 'Remove channel'.
Immediately restart the TV from Settings>System>Power>System restart
Once the Tv has restarted, go to 'Streaming channels' on the Righthand side of the Home screen and add the channel back once more.
If performing the above process for each channel isn't resolving the issue, the next steps would be to perform a factory reset on the TV, and then set it up again fresh. This removes all data, channels, and login information from the TV, allowing you to set it up again anew. I know this may be a bit cumbersome, but it often can help resolve these types of issues.

Posts : 153
Join date : 2020-08-20
Age : 57
Location : Ontario , Canada

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