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Windows blocking

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Windows blocking Empty Windows blocking

Post by Admin Mon 16 Nov - 17:57:58

Try these in order:

Disable SmartScreen

1: Follow thiswebsite for instructions on how to disable SmartScreen in Windows 10
2: If this didn't work for you, go on to the next suggestion.

Enable App Side-loading

1: Open up the Settings app, and navigate to Update & Security > For Developers
2: Toggle Side-load apps
3: If this doesn't work, go on to the final suggestion


MAKE A COPY OF THE .EXE FILE: Do just what the title says, make a copy of the .exe file, and try running that.

See if these help you. I don't recommend running your anti-virus version in Windows 10 if it's blocked however, and make sure to turn SmartScreen on again as well as turn off Side-loading.

Posts : 153
Join date : 2020-08-20
Age : 57
Location : Ontario , Canada

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