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Setting up "Developer Options" on your tv

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Setting up "Developer Options" on your tv Empty Setting up "Developer Options" on your tv

Post by Admin Mon 23 Nov - 9:06:37

Setting up "Developer Options" to enable you to sideload vuemedia applications:

Connect your Android TV to the local network.

From the Network Settings,(Click on Network)
In the Device row, select "About" .

Scroll down to and click on "Build" several times until a dialog appears with the message, "You are now a developer."

In the Preferences row, select Developer options, select USB debugging, and select "On" .

If you see a "Save" option, select it.
Otherwise click back until you reach your home screen, you can then go back and try again, when you select "About" you should see a dialogue saying you are already a developer.

Posts : 153
Join date : 2020-08-20
Age : 57
Location : Ontario , Canada

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